Tucker woke up when he heard your voice and is still looking out the window for you. We’re using “stay”; should I use this in the challenge?
18 de mar. de 2020
Thanks, Judy - I’ll try that. The two times he went into a down were once when it was a long one and once when I walked around him. I found that he’s good with distractions that do not involved movement past him (whether human or tossing a toy).
Judy Bernard
18 de mar. de 2020
Good question Laura, make the long sits a bit shorter, and vary the duration. So do one time for 6 seconds, the next for 3 seconds the next for 8 seconds followed by one at 1-2 seconds and final one at 5 seconds.
18 de mar. de 2020
What should I do if Luka lies down in the middle of his long sit? BTW, love having these daily challenges!
Tucker woke up when he heard your voice and is still looking out the window for you. We’re using “stay”; should I use this in the challenge?
Thanks, Judy - I’ll try that. The two times he went into a down were once when it was a long one and once when I walked around him. I found that he’s good with distractions that do not involved movement past him (whether human or tossing a toy).
Good question Laura, make the long sits a bit shorter, and vary the duration. So do one time for 6 seconds, the next for 3 seconds the next for 8 seconds followed by one at 1-2 seconds and final one at 5 seconds.
What should I do if Luka lies down in the middle of his long sit? BTW, love having these daily challenges!